I am getting serious now☺ I have signed up for the daily ui challenges for the next 100 days and you lucky people can see – hopefully – my transformation
Category: Uncategorized
Tiger Challenge by @byTazi
Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough votes to make it to the second round. It left me, however, with a nice drawing of a beautiful Siberian tiger, I’m proud of. It has taught me some valuable lesson about fur drawing.
Tiger Challenge by @byTazi
Today, the 4th of September 2021, people can start voting for their favourite tiger in the Tiger Challeng on Instagram. I will reveal my tiger as a post at the end of the challenge
Tiger challenge on IG @byTazi
I have joined a tiger challenge on Instagram by the talented photographer who goes by the name @byTazi. You could edit one of her tiger photographs or do an art challenge, using one of her tigers as reference picture. I choose the art edit and finished it yesterday (deadline is the 31st of August). It’s a portraiture of the Siberian tiger Yarko on black paper with pastel and charcoal.
Youtube Channel
I am working on a Youtube channel for all your creative needs and drawing-timelapse junkies (like myself)
Long overdue Updates are on the way
Due to personal circumstances, I have decided to up my game a bit, i.e. I am going to update my website (finally!) with a contact page and many more pages and posts. Stay tuned! To be continued…
I forgot to share what happened yesterday, the 10th of May 2019. After having set up my spare space (North, 28), I relaxed and just enjoyed that it wasn’t raining. After 40 minutes an elderly woman was captivated by one of my latest drawing: the Lipizzaner horse. She bought it and I was highly delighted.
Today, my second day
My second showing…
Tomorrow is the day that I’m going to exhibit my drawings at Peoples Art at St. Stephen’s Green in Dublin, Ireland. Am I afraid or excited? Do I expect anything? I’m not afraid at all, because there is nothing to be afraid of to be honest. This is about you what you are doing best and what you love. If I can impart just a spark of joy (sorry, Marie Kondo) of drawing or art in general, I’ll be happy.
Thank you for dropping by. I hope you like what you see and I hope I can impart my passion I have for drawing to you.
I welcome any input, be it constructive criticism, suggestions, recommendations, advices, questions, tips on how and why,…Let’s go on this journey together.
You and I
Finally…up and running
It took me a good while to get started, then get the grips of it all, that is creating my website. It started with a vague idea. Everyone has a website but me. 10 maybe even 20 years ago (at this (st)age in my life, it’s basically the same, really…) I created a cring-y website with iWeb. Zero knowledge! I liked it at the beginning, but as time progressed I hated it more and more. So, I had to do something about it, but boy-oh-boy a project that was delayed by years! Like drawing, you cannot force it, you need the Muse on your side to take you by your arms and guide you. But finally everything came together. I entered my second art competiton and I am exhibiting a second time at the Peoples Art 2019 after two years. And this is my second attempt of a website…maybe now, I’m living my life in seconds!